1億5千万のタワマンor新築住宅を買うとしたら世帯年収はいくら必要? “How much annual household income is needed to buy a 150 million yen tower mansion or a new house in Japan?”(2024年03月14日)
不動産市場では、特に都心部での高級マンションの価格が右肩上がりを続けており、中でも都心6区では平均価格が1億2千万円前後です。さらに、70㎡の質の良いマンションでは2億円を超えるケースもあり、高層階で新しいマンションの場合、価格は3億、4億、5億円と手の届かない金額になっています。タワーマンション25階、60㎡、南東向き、価格は 1億5千万円と言ったところでしょう。
- 頭金: 3,000万円(購入価格の20%と仮定)
- 住宅ローン返済額: 年間約550万円(1億2,000万円を35年、年利0.5%で返済する場合)
- 固定資産税: 年間60万円(仮定)
- 修繕積立金: 年間48万円
- 管理費: 年間48万円
- 駐車場代: 年間120万円(1台5万円で2台所有が一般的)
- 頭金: 3,000万円(土地と建物の総額1億5千万円の20%と仮定)
- 住宅ローン返済額: 年間約550万円(同上)
- 固定資産税: 年間60万円(仮定)
- 修繕積立金: 自己管理のため、年間48万円を自己貯蓄(実際はここまで不要)
- 管理費: 不要
- 駐車場代: 不要(自己所有の土地に駐車スペースあり)
- マンションの年間支出: 826万円
- RC戸建住宅の年間支出: 658万円
- マンション購入に必要な手取り年収: 約3,304万円(額面年収4,720万円)
- RC戸建住宅購入に必要な手取り年収: 約2,632万円以上(額面年収3,760万円)
2024 Market Trends for Used Condominiums and Houses in the Central 6 Wards
The average price of used condominiums in the central 6 wards of 2024 is around 120 million yen. Beyond these wards, a condominium with more than 70 square meters of floor space, about 10 years old, facing south or southeast, and located on a higher floor, typically costs around 150 million yen. On the other hand, popular areas for detached houses within the 23 wards vary widely. Detached houses offer different values from condominiums, so there’s no need to focus solely on the central 6 wards. Quiet residential areas are more popular. In this report, we will use the Setagaya ward area, where our main office is located, as a model case.
Latest Trends in Real Estate Prices
In the real estate market, especially in the city center, the price of luxury condominiums has been rising. In the central 6 wards, the average price is around 120 million yen. Furthermore, for a high-quality condominium with 70 square meters, the price can exceed 200 million yen, and for newer high-rise condominiums, prices reach 300, 400, or even 500 million yen. For example, a 25th-floor tower condominium, 60 square meters, southeast-facing, is priced at about 150 million yen.
How about detached houses? Let’s assume building in the Setagaya ward. With a land area of 30 tsubo (about 99 square meters, costing 7.5 million yen at 250,000 yen per tsubo), an RC (reinforced concrete) house of 90 square meters (about 30 tsubo/65 million yen), and additional costs for miscellaneous expenses and exterior work at 10 million yen, the total comes to 150 million yen. This comparison uses a concrete house to compare with condominiums. A 30 tsubo RC house costing 65 million yen would have an interior finish similar to that of a condominium (at a generally average grade). Please consider this as a reference price.
What both types of properties have in common is that due to inflation, labor shortages, and the impact of labor reform laws, the construction costs for both condominiums and detached houses are rising each year. Many experts say, “If you’re going to buy, now is the time. Waiting for prices to drop is not advisable.” As a company engaged in real estate, construction, and building materials sales, we also feel the price increases firsthand.
Now, which is easier to write about, luxury condominiums or detached houses? Even at the same price, the maintenance costs are quite different. It’s clear that luxury condominiums have high maintenance costs. However, when talking to customers we guide, it seems they don’t think much about it as long as they can afford it.
Comparison of Expenses for Purchasing a 150 Million Yen Property
In the case of a condominium:
- Down payment: 30 million yen (assuming 20% of the purchase price)
- Mortgage repayment amount: approximately 5.5 million yen annually (repaying 120 million yen over 35 years at an annual interest rate of 0.5%)
- Property tax: approximately 600,000 yen annually (assumption)
- Repair reserve fund: 480,000 yen annually
- Management fee: 480,000 yen annually
- Parking fee: 1.2 million yen annually (assuming two cars at 50,000 yen per car)
In the case of an RC detached house:
- Down payment: 30 million yen (assuming 20% of the total price for land and building)
- Mortgage repayment amount: approximately 5.5 million yen annually (same as above)
- Property tax: approximately 600,000 yen annually (assumption)
- Repair reserve fund: self-managed, so saving 480,000 yen annually (not necessarily needed to this extent)
- Management fee: not required
- Parking fee: not required (parking space available on own land)
Calculation of Required Annual Income
Here, we calculate the necessary annual income for purchasing a condominium and an RC detached house. The calculation uses the general financial principle of keeping expenses within 35% of net income.
- Annual expenses for a condominium: 8.26 million yen
- Annual expenses for an RC detached house: 6.58 million yen
Based on this, the necessary annual net income to keep housing-related expenses within 25% of net income is as follows:
- Net annual income required for purchasing a condominium: approximately 33.04 million yen (gross annual income of 47.2 million yen)
- Net annual income required for purchasing an RC detached house: more than 26.32 million yen (gross annual income of 37.6 million yen)
Interest rates can change the calculations, and various simulations are necessary depending on one’s life plan and how much of their take-home pay they’re willing to allocate towards a mortgage. Condominiums have their appeal, but owning land and building a durable RC house to your preferred layout also holds great value. With proper planning and financial management, achieving a luxurious and private space that meets client desires is entirely possible. RC detached houses offer durability, customization, and long-term value, making them an attractive option for affluent clients, possibly even surpassing condominiums in appeal.
Regarding the recent trend of purchasing used properties and renovating them to be like new, it is recommended to look for high-quality used condominiums or houses around 20 to 30 years old. You can find them for around 120 million yen and then spend 30 million yen on a complete skeleton renovation. The result is a 150 million yen property that is uniquely yours, a special space tailored to you. Of course, there are also options for renovating a 30 million yen condominium or house, and if looking for a new condominium, suburban options are available around the 30 million yen range. As for detached houses, our wooden low-cost housing series “UpToMe” can achieve a combination of house and land for 40 million yen, a dream not beyond reach. In any case, we are ready to support you with satisfactory design plans and construction techniques, so please feel free to reach out.
船橋市で実現する、理想の平屋暮らし Realizing the ideal single-story living in Funabashi City, Chiba Prefecture, Japan. Why not consider living in Japan?(2024年03月12日)
船橋市で実現する、理想の平屋暮らし – 安心と快適性を兼ね備えた住まい
- 「子育て世代として、平屋で生活する利便性は格別です。子供が小さいうちから安全に遊べる環境が整っていて、親としても安心できます。」
- 「私たち夫婦はリタイア後に平屋に移り住みました。家全体が平らでバリアフリーなので、将来的にも安心して生活できると感じています。」
- 「趣味のガーデニングに平屋は最適です。家の中からでも庭が一望できて、季節の変化を楽しめます。まるで窓が絵画のようです。」
- 「平屋に住み始めてから、家族のコミュニケーションが増えました。リビングが家の中心にあり、家族が自然に集まる構造です。」
- 「防災の観点から平屋を選びました。緊急時の避難がしやすく、特に高齢の両親が安心して暮らせる点が魅力です。」
- 「建築の自由度の高さに魅力を感じて平屋を選びました。独特のデザインや、開放的な空間を実現できて大満足です。」
- 「暮らしやすさとエネルギー効率の良さを考え、平屋住宅を選びました。夏涼しく、冬暖かい家で快適に過ごしています。」
- 「長年の夢だったアトリエ付きの平屋で、趣味の絵画に没頭できる毎日です。創作活動に集中できる静かな環境がここにはあります。」
- 「平屋に引っ越してから、掃除やメンテナンスがとても楽になりました。家全体が見渡せるので、整理整頓もしやすいです。」
- 「隣近所とのコミュニティが深まりました。平屋住宅エリアは閑静で、お互いの家を訪ねやすい環境が魅力的です。」
- 「最近ちょっとしたことで疲れてしまいます。階段の登り降りが嫌で1階で過ごしています。でも2階があると掃除しないと、など気掛かりで。平屋にしたら身体も気持ちも楽になりました。」
- 「マンションのような間取りで暮らしたいと思っていたんです。室内の移動も楽だしコンパクト空間で「寒暖差」も少ないからテレビで話題のヒートショックの心配もなさそうですし。」
- 「うちは敷地が広いので2階建は考えていませんでした。孫たちが遊びに来ても宿泊する部屋は設けました。ワンフロアで過ごす空間が心地よいです。」
- 「今の住宅は2階建でも3階建でも耐震性能が良いことは知っています。私は揺れが嫌いなので、地べたに近いところで過ごしたい。ただそれだけで平屋にしました。」
- 「部屋数は多い方が良いと思ったのですが、じっくり考えると、くつろげるリビングと、ゆっくり寝られる寝室、あとは収納スペースがあれば充分だと気が付きました。親族が来るときのために予備の部屋を作りましたが、2LDKで大満足です。リビング、キッチン、寝室、クローゼット、予備室の広さに加えて、浴室もコンパクトで暖かいユニットバスです。断熱性能の高い平屋なのでどこにいても暖かいのが嬉しいです。」
Realizing the Ideal Single-Story Living in Funabashi City
A Home that Combines Comfort and Security
In the 23 wards of Tokyo, it is quite difficult to secure large residential land. On the other hand, in the northern area of Funabashi City, which has good accessibility to the city center, large residential lands are still available. It might be a good idea to consider building a luxurious single-story new home in this area, where there is no concern of flooding. Funabashi City is served by the Keisei Line and the Shin-Keisei Line, along with the JR Sobu Line and the Toyo Rapid Railway. There are also many buses. There are plenty of train stations and bus stops. Funabashi City has the sea, forests, public facilities, and commercial facilities. You know Tokyo Bay LaLaport and Tobu Department Store, many restaurants, Funabashi Arena, general hospitals, and more, making it a wonderful city for a fulfilling life. Our Funabashi store will help you find the land.
Benefits of Single-Story Homes
Single-story homes are characterized by their ease of doing chores such as laundry, cleaning, and tidying up due to the efficient layout. The high insulation performance of the ceiling allows for a sloped ceiling inside, matching the slope of the roof. A high ceiling creates a space where you can enjoy a sense of openness. Moreover, wrapping the entire house with high-performance insulation materials allows for energy savings and maintaining comfortable room temperatures. The walls, ceiling, underfloor, high-performance sashes, and high-performance entrance doors insulate the entire house, making it a thermos-like home.
Customer Testimonials
- “As a family with young children, the convenience of living in a single-story home is unparalleled. It’s great to have a safe environment for the kids to play in from a young age, which gives us parents peace of mind.”
- “My spouse and I moved to a single-story home after retirement. The entire house being level and barrier-free makes us feel secure about our future living conditions.”
- “For someone who loves gardening, a single-story home is perfect. You can overlook the garden from inside the house and enjoy the changing seasons. It’s like the windows are paintings.”
- “Since moving to a single-story home, our family’s communication has increased. The living room is at the heart of the house, and it naturally brings the family together.”
- “We chose a single-story home from a disaster prevention perspective. It’s easier to evacuate in emergencies, especially for our elderly parents, which is very appealing.”
- “We were attracted to the high degree of architectural freedom in single-story homes. We’re very satisfied with realizing a unique design and open space.”
- “Considering the ease of living and energy efficiency, we chose a single-story home. It’s comfortable to spend both summer and winter in a cool and warm house, respectively.”
- “Living in a single-story home with an attached studio has allowed me to
immerse myself in my hobby of painting every day. There’s a peaceful environment here that lets me concentrate on my creative activities.”
- “Since moving to a single-story home, cleaning and maintenance have become much easier. Being able to see the entire house makes it easier to keep things tidy.”
- “Moving to a single-story home has deepened our community connections. The single-story residential area is quiet, making it easy to visit each other’s homes, which is attractive.”
- “Lately, I get tired from just a little exertion. I dislike going up and down stairs and have been staying on the first floor. But having a second floor makes me worry about not cleaning it. Moving to a single-story home has made both my body and mind feel lighter.”
- “I wanted to live in a layout similar to a condominium. Moving around the house is easy, and the compact space means less temperature variation, which seems to reduce concerns about the much-talked-about heat shock.”
- “Our property is large, so we never considered a two-story building. We’ve made rooms for our grandchildren to stay over. The space of living on one floor is comfortable.”
- “I know that today’s two- or three-story homes are structurally sound. But I dislike shaking, so I wanted to live as close to the ground as possible. That’s the only reason I chose a single-story home.”
- “I thought it would be better to have more rooms, but after careful consideration, I realized that a comfortable living room, a bedroom where I can sleep well, and some storage space are all I really need. We made a spare room for when relatives visit, but a 2LDK is more than satisfactory for us. The living room, kitchen, bedroom, closet, and spare room, in addition to the compact and warm unit bath, make me happy to be warm anywhere in the house because it’s a high-insulation single-story home.”
In Funabashi City, it is possible to secure large residential land and maximize the benefits of single-story housing. Convenience, ease of living, and a sense of security. All of these can be combined into the ideal single-story living, which can be realized in Funabashi City. Now might be the perfect opportunity to think about your ideal home and start a new life. Leave your single-story new construction in Funabashi City to us.
【船橋市で開催】春の水まわり&断熱リフォーム相談会 4.6(土)10:00~16:00 LIXIL船橋ショールーム(2024年03月26日)
【特典その2】対象商品のご成約で無料オプションプレゼント ※詳細は下記のWEBチラシをご参照ください。
3/23(土)・24(日)「Green event」@Ones’s Life Home成城ギャラリー(2024年03月07日)
2024.3/23(土)・24(日)に東京都 世田谷区(One’s Life Home相川スリーエフ世田谷成城ギャラリー)にて住宅イベントを開催いたします。
イベント情報詳細はこちら(Ones’s Life Homeサイト)
建材カンパニー サッシ事業部 組織のご紹介とスタッフ募集(2024年03月19日)
- ● サッシ工事のご紹介
- ● 営業部のご紹介
- ● 積算部のご紹介
- ● 設計部のご紹介
- ● 調達部のご紹介
- ● 施工管理部のご紹介
- ● 配送・工事部のご紹介
- ● 工事部内バックオフィサーのご紹介
- ● 工事部アフターサポートのご紹介
- ● サッシ工事拠点のご紹介
- ● 取り扱いメーカーのご紹介
- ● 最後に
株式会社LIXIL(トステム)(INAX) / YKKAP株式会社 / 三協立山株式会社 / 昭和フロント株式会社 / ナブコシステム株式会社 / 寺岡オートドア株式 / 文化シャッター株式会社 / 三和シャッター工業株式会社 / 三洋工業株式会社 / 株式会社ユニフロー / 杉田エース株式会社 / 中西金属工業株式会社 / 日本フネン株式会社 / 三和タジマ株式会社 / 株式会社エービーシー商会 / ジャパン建材株式会社 / ナイス株式会社 / 株式会社日本ロック(MIWA) / AGC硝子建材株式会社 / 株式会社サンクスコーポレーション / マテックス株式会社
株式会社相川スリーエフ 建材事業部は、官公庁様、ゼネコン様、ハウスメーカー様、ビルダー様、リフォーム会社様、マンション管理会社様、多くの方々のサポート役として、これからも技術と知識を持つ組織を拡大して参ります。様々な工事に対応してお客様から頼られる存在を確立いたします。引き続きご愛顧賜りますよう宜しくお願いいたします。なお、新規のお取引をご希望される企業様は、このホームページよりお問い合わせください。営業担当よりご連絡差し上げます。
・水回り住宅設備営業(キッチン、ユニットバス、トイレほか取り扱いメーカー LIXIL・YKKap・三協アルミ・AGC・日本板ガラス・三和シャッター・文化シャッター・ナブコシステム・テラオカ・日本フネン・三洋工業・INAX・Panasonic・タカラ・TOTO・各種製造工場
施工エリア 東京都、千葉県、埼玉県、神奈川県 (弊社事業所のあるエリアを中心にしております。新宿、世田谷区、池袋、千葉市中央区、船橋市、柏市、八街市、三郷市)
建設会社様、ディベロッパー様へ 上記の工事依頼をご希望される場合、お問い合わせフォームよりご連絡ください。担当部署より折り返しご連絡差し上げます。
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- 08月10日 「宮崎地震の影響と南海トラフ地震への備え:今すぐできる防災対策と耐震住宅の重要性
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