1億5千万のタワマンor新築住宅を買うとしたら世帯年収はいくら必要? “How much annual household income is needed to buy a 150 million yen tower mansion or a new house in Japan?”









  • 頭金: 3,000万円(購入価格の20%と仮定)
  • 住宅ローン返済額: 年間約550万円(1億2,000万円を35年、年利0.5%で返済する場合)
  • 固定資産税: 年間60万円(仮定)
  • 修繕積立金: 年間48万円
  • 管理費: 年間48万円
  • 駐車場代: 年間120万円(1台5万円で2台所有が一般的)


  • 頭金: 3,000万円(土地と建物の総額1億5千万円の20%と仮定)
  • 住宅ローン返済額: 年間約550万円(同上)
  • 固定資産税: 年間60万円(仮定)
  • 修繕積立金: 自己管理のため、年間48万円を自己貯蓄(実際はここまで不要)
  • 管理費: 不要
  • 駐車場代: 不要(自己所有の土地に駐車スペースあり)



  • マンションの年間支出: 826万円
  • RC戸建住宅の年間支出: 658万円


  • マンション購入に必要な手取り年収: 約3,304万円(額面年収4,720万円)
  • RC戸建住宅購入に必要な手取り年収: 約2,632万円以上(額面年収3,760万円)




2024 Market Trends for Used Condominiums and Houses in the Central 6 Wards


The average price of used condominiums in the central 6 wards of 2024 is around 120 million yen. Beyond these wards, a condominium with more than 70 square meters of floor space, about 10 years old, facing south or southeast, and located on a higher floor, typically costs around 150 million yen. On the other hand, popular areas for detached houses within the 23 wards vary widely. Detached houses offer different values from condominiums, so there’s no need to focus solely on the central 6 wards. Quiet residential areas are more popular. In this report, we will use the Setagaya ward area, where our main office is located, as a model case.

Comparison of Expenses for Purchasing a 150 Million Yen Property

In the case of a condominium:

  • Down payment: 30 million yen (assuming 20% of the purchase price)
  • Mortgage repayment amount: approximately 5.5 million yen annually (repaying 120 million yen over 35 years at an annual interest rate of 0.5%)
  • Property tax: approximately 600,000 yen annually (assumption)
  • Repair reserve fund: 480,000 yen annually
  • Management fee: 480,000 yen annually
  • Parking fee: 1.2 million yen annually (assuming two cars at 50,000 yen per car)

In the case of an RC detached house:

  • Down payment: 30 million yen (assuming 20% of the total price for land and building)
  • Mortgage repayment amount: approximately 5.5 million yen annually (same as above)
  • Property tax: approximately 600,000 yen annually (assumption)
  • Repair reserve fund: self-managed, so saving 480,000 yen annually (not necessarily needed to this extent)
  • Management fee: not required
  • Parking fee: not required (parking space available on own land)

Calculation of Required Annual Income

Here, we calculate the necessary annual income for purchasing a condominium and an RC detached house. The calculation uses the general financial principle of keeping expenses within 35% of net income.

  • Annual expenses for a condominium: 8.26 million yen
  • Annual expenses for an RC detached house: 6.58 million yen

Based on this, the necessary annual net income to keep housing-related expenses within 25% of net income is as follows:

  • Net annual income required for purchasing a condominium: approximately 33.04 million yen (gross annual income of 47.2 million yen)
  • Net annual income required for purchasing an RC detached house: more than 26.32 million yen (gross annual income of 37.6 million yen)


Interest rates can change the calculations, and various simulations are necessary depending on one’s life plan and how much of their take-home pay they’re willing to allocate towards a mortgage. Condominiums have their appeal, but owning land and building a durable RC house to your preferred layout also holds great value. With proper planning and financial management, achieving a luxurious and private space that meets client desires is entirely possible. RC detached houses offer durability, customization, and long-term value, making them an attractive option for affluent clients, possibly even surpassing condominiums in appeal.

Regarding the recent trend of purchasing used properties and renovating them to be like new, it is recommended to look for high-quality used condominiums or houses around 20 to 30 years old. You can find them for around 120 million yen and then spend 30 million yen on a complete skeleton renovation. The result is a 150 million yen property that is uniquely yours, a special space tailored to you. Of course, there are also options for renovating a 30 million yen condominium or house, and if looking for a new condominium, suburban options are available around the 30 million yen range. As for detached houses, our wooden low-cost housing series “UpToMe” can achieve a combination of house and land for 40 million yen, a dream not beyond reach. In any case, we are ready to support you with satisfactory design plans and construction techniques, so please feel free to reach out.

1億5千万のタワマンor新築住宅を買うとしたら世帯年収はいくら必要? “How much annual household income is needed to buy a 150 million yen tower mansion or a new house in Japan?”関連記事




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